Nickel Beach and Centennial-Cedar Bay beaches to open May 20th for residents and non-residents.
Beach season is right around the corner!
The City of Port Colborne says Nickel Beach and Centennial-Cedar Bay Beach will officially open on Friday May 20th.
The beaches will both be open to residents and non-residents.
A limit of 200 vehicles for non-Port Colborne residents will be allowed per day at Nickel Beach, and beachfront parking passes need to be bought in advance.
A PORTicipate Pass will give residents free access, no-reservation required to Nickel Beach, as well as parking lot access to Centennial-Cedar Bay Beach.
Niagara residents not in Port Colborne can buy a weekday parking season pass for $100 for Nickel Beach here.
Non-Port Colborne residents renting properties near Centennial Bay Beach can come to the beach for free with walk-on access.
As well, non-residents attending Centennial Bay Beach can purchase daily parking lot passes here.
More information on PORTicipate and parking passes can be found here.