Province investing $5.9 million to enhance supports for domestic abuse and human trafficking survivors.
Niagara Regional Police will benefit from an investment the province is making to provide additional supports to survivors of human trafficking and intimate partner violence.
The NRP is getting a grant of over $73,000, which will be used to identify and support human trafficking victims through police and community collaboration.
"The Niagara Reginal Police Service continues to work with our partner agencies in the Niagara Region in the fight against human trafficking," said Chief of Police, Bryan MacCulloch.
"Violence will not be tolerated within our community. This funding will allow our Service to better serve and protect some of our most vulnerable members while also working to prevent them from victimization in the first place."
This is part of a $5.9 million investment the province is making over two years through the Victim Support Grant program.
The NRP is one of 37 police services to receive this funding.