Officer treated in hospital after being bitten during altercation.
One man is facing assault charges following an incident in Fort Erie.
Just before 8:00 p.m. last night, police responded to a disturbance call at a home near Central Avenue and Bertie Street.
Officers say the victim, a man in his 60s, had been drinking with his adult son during the day before the pair got into an argument that turned into a physical altercation.
The victim was headbutted in the face and received other minor injuries, but didn't require medical attention.
When police arrived, the adult son charged from the front door of the house, striking an officer and causing them to fall from the porch.
Officers struggled to arrest the man, and another officer was bit on the leg.
Both officers received minor injuries, and the one who was bit was treated in hospital.
The 36 year old Fort Erie man was arrested and faces assault charges.
To protect the victim's identity, the name of the man who was arrested is not being released.