Gas analyst adds local prices indicate competition
As you drive around the Niagara region today, and beyond, you'll notice the wide range of gas prices.
They're hovering in the $1.42 range to $1.50.
A gas price analyst says local stations are jockeying with each other for the market with those prices.
Dan McTeague adds even though energy markets are very worried the US government will increase interest rates, locally, retailers are buying gas for about $1.42. "So, if they're selling it below that, there must be some big margins on beef jerky in their stores, because you're not going to make it up any other way. It's obviously competition among players."
He anticipates prices will keep rising through the spring, and don't be surprised the price edges right up to the $2 mark by summer.
"In Niagara there are a few independents left, most notably Gales, which is the last true chain of independents we have pretty much in the entire GTA, Golden Horseshoe, GTHA, whatever you want to call it," he says.
He also says the federal government starts to implement its carbon tax April 1st, bumping the price up another 4cents.